From the Fertile Muck

At any moment a flower can spring from the muck. Composting displeasure, manure of suffering... Don't fear the contrast. The tangle has brought you here to where your dead-horror bonfire can shed blood-red firework light upon your hundreds of butterflies, bursting out and fluttering upwards like sparks.

Being Crushed and Growing

The Soul Tiller, The freshness maker Has come. It was here.   Terror and Destruction are Good for growing onions.   Now I spend  20 years  To finally know: That is over.   But... Might it be true? Might we not Choose to delve... The “buried” couch is a reference to Robert Smithson’s Partially Buried Woodshed within the context of childhood struggles. In Smithson’s work, he buried a woodshed just until the center beam cracked – the significance of which spoke to me about how life gives us only as much adversity as we need to crack open. ------------------------------------------------------------- Onions serve as a term for the way layers of psychological complexities form around traumatic experiences, snowballing over new events and feelings adding to the pile that must be unraveled or “peeled” for understanding and healing.       To reach down inside,  Without first  Having our structural  Integrity  Cracked?    The straw, The grain, the difficulty and pain. Draws from us  The golder,  The fodder,  The better,  The water.      

Summer Reap Horn

Battle Cries Thought on the surface has gone deep Tuning. Creation’s instrument. Sometimes only At night… There is a hum… and a buzz? A crackling sound… Water when God wills it Time, time, time time. Pick out your hats Shop for your ideals. Your own Warrior call Is all that can Wake you. active and resonating you’ll be so glad You put the pieces together. Here it is. Watch in awe as it Pops, Bursts And crashes! Active and resonating! After you’ve killed your 45 minatour, Scream out, Covered with blood, Cry! Active. And resonating – You exist! You are victorious!

Pain and/but Growth Circuit


Each piece of my art reflects a discrete part of a system of thought and its transformation. Momentary Lights depicts everyday life within an imagined landscape, pulsing with trigger points, riddled with equations of cause and effect, delighting in the mystery and comedy of growth. 

Illumination and First Flight

6598 0 6598 0 6598 0 6598 0 6590 0 6590 0 6590 0 6590 0 6582 1 6582 0 6582 0 6573 0 6582 0 6582 0 6582 0 6582 0 Illumination marks the end of resisting change and the beginning of the transformation of injury into instrument.